With seventeen participants discovering invisible sites with abandon, the Balto East Bike Tour proved to be a rolling success. In a spirit of radical pedestrianism, we stuck together for more than an hour and a half and over four plus miles while navigating traffic conditions from serene to challenging. Thanks for everyone who participated for your bravery and endurance, and asking thoughtful questions and offering helpful commentary. From the Cork Seer Crossing and Greektown Alleydrift to Expressways Amalgamated and the O’Donnell St Bohverlook, we explored an array of public spaces while learning from our everyday surroundings and each other. Special thanks to The Creative Alliance for hosting the event and Liz Donadio for documenting the ride. Scroll down for pictures or click here for the full flickr set.
Gathering at the Creative Alliance.
Always read the plaque. Reading about the Eastern Avenue Underpass, and early example of limited access highway design.
Learning from each other as participant Julie shares her insights on alleyway permaculture being indicative of local immigrant culture.
Cruising down the Greektown Alleydrift.
Pausing to reflect on the Triangle X-ing at Ponca and O’Donnell Streets.
Explore an Invisible Passage while listening to Aural Saturation under I-895.
Jumping the rad guerilla cement ramp that allows rolling access to the O’Donnell Street Bridge sidewalk.
Exploring a Thrilling Urban Sublime within the Parallax of Transit.