Image courtesy of NYC DOT via The New York Observer.
Only six months after the Arcade Parade, Holly Whyte Way is officially becoming a reality! This week the New York City DOT announced its proposal to connect the privately-owned public plazas and arcades that run from 51st to 57th Street, between Sixth and Seventh Avenues. Since then, Community Board 5′ Transportation Committee has approved the plans for crosswalks, stop signs and warning markers that will alert motorists to yield to pedestrians moving along what will be soon be officially known as 6½ Avenue. Needless to say, Friends of Privately Owned Public Space is celebrating. Special thanks to Matt Chaban for his wall-to wall coverage of the development. More details below…
Meet Me on 6½th Avenue: DOT Planning Public Promenade Through Middle of Midtown Towers / Matt Chaban, NY Observer, 3.26.12
Paving the Way for 6½th Avenue: Midtown Community Board Committee Gives Pedestrian Plan Unanimous Support / Matt Chaban, NY Observer, 3.26.12
For Walkers, a Sixth-and-a-Half Ave. May Take Shape / Matt Flegenheimer, The New York Times, 3.29.12
Plans Unveiled for a Secret Boulevard in Midtown Manhattan / Kelly Chan, Achitizer Blog, 3.29.12